Wednesday, May 23

Tuesday, March 20

My cat

Ooh...How I love to tell about my cat. It is the most funniest thing in my life! I love my cat so much. Earlier I told you about my cat, Tima. If you didn`t read it, you can read it here and here .  So at once I went for a walk with my cat...This snow was great for my cat...I didn`t expect it! Look yourselves.

Thursday, March 8

Woman`s Day

Hello, my dears^^
I am so glad that I am writing to you again. It was difficult days...
But today is holiday and it was the best pastime. I am so glad that this day I spent with my friends.I have seen sooo interesting people. XD It was sarcasm. Of course, some people are really truth friends. This meeting I will never forget. So I will say no one world.